GRATIS...!!! $5 langsung dari Stoxem

by Andi Seti
Sebuah program online akan membayar $5 GRATIS saat pendaftaran anda diterima dan $0.05 dari setiap orang yang mendaftar melalui link anda. Pembayaran komisi menggunakan Rekening PayPal atau melalui Western Union. Website ini bernama “Stoxem” yang mengumpulkan data email dari seluruh dunia. Cara mendaftar dan mendapatkan DOLLAR GRATIS di Stoxem :

> Buka

> Masukkan email anda dan pilih negara (Indonesia)

> Klik tombol “Submit“

> Buka inbox email anda dan temukan email konfirmasi dari Stoxem

> Anda akan menerima “password sementara” di email dan username sementara yaitu email yang anda gunakan mendaftar

> Login dengan membuka dan klik tombol “Member Login” yg ada di sudut kanan atas

> Setelah login, buat username, pilih jenis kelamin (sex), umur (age), nama kota (city). lalu klik tombol “Save data“

> Masukkan password baru dan ulangi dengan password yang sama lalu klik tombol “change password“

> Selanjutnya anda masuk ke member area. Temukan link referral anda seperti milik saya dan gunakan untuk mengajak orang bergabung agar anda mendapatkan tambahan $0.05/orang.

> Masukkan rekening Paypal anda dengan mengklik menu “Profile & Account“, lalu klik link edit dekat tulisan “PAYMENT” lalu pilih paypal lalu masukkan rekening paypal di kotak isian yg tersedia.

> Cek penghasilan anda dg mengklik menu “Deposits & Account” dan di sana sdh ada $5 sbg bonus signup.

Anda akan terima $5 langsung di akun stoxem dan bisa diwithdraw setelah mencapai batas min penarikan tercapai ($10). Undang teman anda utk melakukan hal sama dan dapatkan $0.05 dari setiap org yg join. Pembayaran minimal $10 ke rekening Paypal anda.
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Pendafaran GRATIS Dapet $10

by Andi Seti
Pendafaran GRATIS Dapet $10 Free..!!! Tapi Email Yahoo Dilarang Mendaftar, bagi yang blom punya selain Yahoo, silakan buat email dulu, baru mendaftar Klik disini
Sulit dipercaya betapa cepat bertambah uang GRATIS! GeoString membayar Anda untuk setiap orang yang Anda referensikan, dan setiap orang yang mereka rujuk! Kecenderungan ini berlangsung sampai dengan 10 level penuh dengan unlimited lebar arahan. Anda dengan potensi pendapatan GRATIS GeoString tidak terbatas dan tanpa biaya Anda.
Cara kerjanya : GeoString adalah sebuah perusahaan pemasaran online. Sponsor kami membayar kita untuk menaruh pesan mereka di depan anggota kami. Pada gilirannya, kami membayar Anda untuk bergabung menjadi anggota program kami. Pendapatan iklan dari sponsor kami memungkinkan untuk membayar basis keanggotaan kita untuk melakukan tidak lebih dari membuat sebuah account gratis, merujuk orang lain, dan sekali seminggu membuka email dari perusahaan kami.

Kapan Saya Dibayar ?  Anda akan cukup terkejut betapa cepat menumpuk gaji gratis dengan program ini. Alasan gaji Anda mengakumulasi begitu cepat adalah karena benar-benar gratis bagi siapa saja di atas usia 16 tahun untuk membuka rekening dan mulai mendapatkan uang hari ini. Kami bahkan memberi Anda $ 10 langsung dikreditkan ke account Anda hanya untuk mendaftar dengan kami! Karena saldo rekening menumpuk begitu cepat, kami membayar Anda setiap saldo account Anda mencapai $ 100. Jika saldo account Anda lebih besar dari $ 100 di akhir bulan, cek akan dikirimkan kepada Anda pada atau sebelum tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya (Contoh: saldo anda $ 450 pada akhir April, cek Anda akan dikirimkan pada atau sebelum Mei-10). Membayar pada interval ini menempatkan kurang dari ketegangan pada departemen akuntansi kami lebih efisien dan menjamin pembayaran kepada anggota kami.
Bergabung Sekarang...????  Ayo tinggal klik aja 

Get Easy Cash

by Andi Seti
Spending countless hours in front of your computer surfing the net, doing homework, writing email or working? Feel like your time at the computer must be rewarded?
Now, here is the good news. Earn Money Online! With Cashfiesta earn extra cash easily while using your computer. We offer an unlimited potential to make money online to all of our members and our services are available worldwide. you can
Sounds simple? It is. And best of all - it is FREE MONEY!
Learn how to make money with Cashfiesta in 7 EASY STEPS. We recommend that you follow them in order.

1.  Registration
Becoming a Cashfiesta member is 100% free and takes only a few minutes. After you register, you need to download and launch the FiestaBar™ to start making money. To get thousands of points instantly (yes, they are converted into cash later on), visit our Special Offers page and sign up for some of the remarkable deals we've provided for you.
Then bring your friends to the biggest money making party on the Web, help them make some extra income and make even more cash.
After you become a member, you will immediately receive an email confirmation with your login information. Keep this email for further reference.
Sign up and get paid
Sign up and get paid
Sign up and get paid
Sign up and get paid

2.  Download Fiestabar
After you become a Cashfiesta member, you can immediately start making money. Get paid to surf the web by downloading the FiestaBar™ from the Download FiestaBar link in the Members section. The FiestaBar™ displays ads from our partners for you to view and explore and sign up for the offers provided. By running the FiestaBar™ while you are online, you will accumulate bar points, which are converted to cash according to your individual payrate.
In this area you can see whether the FiestaBar™ is active and you are earning points or not. This will be indicated by the FiestaBoy:
- FiestaBoy walking means you are earning points (i.e. you are making money online).
  - FiestaBoy sleeping means you are not earning points. If he's taking a siesta, there's no Cashfiesta!
- At certain intervals you will be shown this picture. To resume earning points you will have to click on it and do as requested.

3.  Individual Payrate
The bar points, as well as the points you earn from your referrals, are converted to cash according to your monthly individual payrate. It is based on the number of Special Offers you sign up for during a month. Thus, the more Special Offers you sign up for each month, the higher you individual payrate for this month will be, and the more money you'll get for your bar and referral points. You can see what your individual rate for making money for the last month is on your My Statistics page.

4. Special Offers
By signing up for Special Offers you can get thousands of Cashfiesta points and earn extra cash with a guaranteed payrate of $1 per 1,000, thus increasing your Individual Payrate to $1.66, up from $0.01.
You don't need a credit card to sign up for Special Offers that don't explicitly state "credit card required". For proper credit to your account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Cashfiesta account;
  • Go to the Special Offers page;
  • Choose an offer;
  • Carefully read the instructions on the page that opens up after you click on the banner;
  • Sign up using the same email you registered with Cashfiesta.
We can credit your account only if your ID is included in the monthly reports from our partners for the Special Offers you've signed up for. Following the above steps is a prerequisite that your ID is included in the reports.
You can go to the Special Offers page from the "Special Offers" button of your FiestaBar™.

Sign up for Special Offers and earn extra cash:
surfing 1. Get more for surfing: $1.66 for 1,000 points
referrals 2. Get more for referrals: $1.66 for 1,000 points
Special Offers 3. Get thousands of Special Offer points in minutes
dollars 4. Get dollars for your points according to a fixed rate

5. Referral Program 
To further boost up your Cashfiesta earnings, tell your friends and acquaintances about us and get a percentage of their income up to the 8th level. In our referral program you get 15% from your direct referrals' points. The more people you refer, the more money you will make, but remember that Cashfiesta tolerates no spam. For useful tips on how to increase your referral base, visit our Referral Center.

600 points / hour
1st level 90 points / hour
2nd level 42 points / hour
3rd level 30 points / hour
4th level 30 points / hour
5th level 30 points / hour
6th level 18 points / hour
7th level 6 points / hour
8th level 6 points / hour

6. My Statistics Page
The My Statistics page contains all information about your Cashfiesta activities for the current and past periods. You can check out your detailed payment statistics, referrals, and individual payrate. For quick help on items of interest, click on the yellow hyperlinks. If you need further information, read the related FAQ, or email us at

  1. Here you can see all your earnings for previous months. Last month is not included.
  2. Here are the points earned during the current month. They are converted to cash by the middle of the next month.
  3. Here are the points earned during the last month, including the bonus and gold club points. They are converted to cash by the middle of the current month when we calculate your individual payrate.
  4. Points from Special Offers have a guaranteed payrate of $1 per 1000 points.
  5. Click on the yellow hyperlinks for more information.
  6. Here you can see how many referrals you have at each level.
  7. Here you can see how your individual payrate changes depending on the number of Special Offers you sign up for, and the payment method you choose.
7. Get Paid
You can request your unpaid money if it exceeds the preferred check size you have chosen when becoming a member. If you don't reach your preferred check size in a given month, your earnings are transferred to the next month.
The Request Payment button is available between the 1st and 15th of the month on My Statistics page. Your money will be sent to you by check. In order to get paid on time, make sure you provide a valid mailing address upon registration. Your current payment statistics with detailed explanations are available on My Statistics page.

CashFiesta - Mesin Penghasil $$$ 100% GRATIS

by Andi Seti


Mesin Penghasil $$$ yang 100% GRATIS 

- Tidak usah memiliki website / Blog,
- Tidak usah repot mencari iklan dan promosi,
-Tidak usar repot klik iklan / cari yang klik iklan,
- Tidak usah bayar... 100% GRATIS !
Cukup sediakan tempat di layar komputer anda (1/8 bagian) untuk iklan yang akan tampil.
Tidak akan mengganggu aktivitas rutin anda...
Setiap pemunculan iklan akan mendapat point... 1000 points = $1
Penghasilan akan dikirim ke alamat kita berupa "CEK" .

Daftar Sekarang Juga... klik disini !


1. Daftar / Registrasi ke CashFiesta (100% GRATIS)... Isi Data sesuai KTP untuk memudahkan Pencairan CEK.
2. Download Aplikasi "Fiesta Bar"

3. Install aplikasi Fiesta Bar tersebut...
4. Jalankan aplikasi Fiesta Bar tersebut... isi Username dan Password sesuai data waktu Registrasi
5. Pantau Fiesta Bar yang tampil... supaya "Fiesta Boy" terus berjalan maka POINT akan terus bertambah.
... bila Fiesta Boy duduk "klik" Fiesta Boy tsb supaya berjalan lagi.

Tips Meningkatkan Penghasilan dari CashFiesta

Tips#1 - Special Offers:
Untuk anda netter yang sudah jadi member Cash Fiesta supaya bisa mendapatkan penghasilan $$$ yang maksimal anda harus mengikuti beberapa program yang ditawarkan yang dinamakan "Special Offers".
Kenapa harus mengikuti itu?
Coba perhatikan gambar dibawah ini...
- Bila kita tidak mengikuti satupun "Special Offers" maka untuk 1000 point yang anda kumpulkan hanya akan mendapatkan penghasilan sebesar $0.010, kalau dirupiahkan sekitar Rp. 100,- untuk waktu 2 jam mengumpulkan 1000 point. Ini tidak menguntungkan dan hanya buang waktu saja.
- Bila kita mengikuti 1 (satu) Special Offers maka dari 1000 point yang kita kumpulkan akan mendapat penghasilan $0.040 ... lumayan menjadi 4x lipat.
- Bila kita mengikuti 3 (tiga) Special Offers maka dari 1000 point yang kita kumpulkan akan mendapat penghasilan $0.500 ... lebih besar lagi yang kita dapatkan.
- Bila kita mengikuti 6 (enam) Special Offers maka akan mendapat penghasilan $1.000 ( satu dollar) dari tiap 1000 point yang terkumpul.
Kesimpulannya: Mengikuti Special Offers adalah wajib kita ikuti, bila ingin memperoleh penghasilan yang maksimal.

Tips#2 - Pilih Yang Gratis:
Mengikuti Special Offers akan memberikan banyak keuntungan, selain mendapatkan point juga melipatgandakan penghasilan kita.
Tapi... tidak semua Special Offers yang ditawarkan Gratis... kebanyakan harus bayar menggunakan Kartu Kredit.
Tidak masalah... kita bisa ikuti Special Offers untuk seluruh dunia, cari yang ada tulisan 'World" dan tidak ada permintaan bayarnya.

Contoh yang bisa diikuti "GRATIS":
1. Bid and Click
2. Pikeo
3. Globe7
4. Opinion World
5. Permission Research, dan yang lainnya bisa kita cari di bagian Special Offers.

Tips#3 - Referrals:
Perbanyak downline kita... karena CashFiesta akan memberikan point pada kita dari hasil Surfing downline sampai Level-8.
Ajak teman, saudara, terutama PENJAGA WARNET untuk jadi referral... maka penghasilan maksimal tiap bulan akan terus kita terima.